Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Cut Tomato"

Generally after twenty minuets of painting, my left hand tends to have around ten different paintbrushes wedged between my fingers. I use a new brushed for each new color so, as you can imagine, my left hand fills up quick. I look like Freddy Kruger or Edward Scissorhands (except with paintbrushes instead of scissors, or knives). And, well, it gets kind of dangerous. If I am lazy and decide not to change into a painting shirt all it takes is one small itch on my neck and then, BAM...I have a new painting shirt. Which is always kind of sad and happy. Goodbye nice shirt, hello paint shirt.


kim shields said...

Thats so funny what you do with your paintbrushes, I do the same thing.:)I get the perfect color on a brush and I'm not ready to wash it out.

Smiley Family said...

The reflections in this painting are very nice. And the colors are nice also. Good work

Joyce's Art Stores said...

I can SO identify!!! I don't know how many items of clothing have become relegated to the "painting clothes" heap! I too am a little sad, and then shrug it off because there's nothing I can do about it and it WAS my own fault; too lazy to change.....and always thinking "THIS time I won't let it happen!"

David Lobenberg said...

My wife buys my clothes, and she gets reeeeeeally pissed when I turn an article of my clothing into a"now you can only wear it to paint in".

Mike said...

Aaron, you should see my pajamas!!! We dont' have to discuss it for you to visualize.


PS . . .and they are navy blue !!! Yikes!!!!

Your post made me howl laughing . . . and gasp at your color work. Wonderful! Maybe I should go with the new brush for each color.